Be the change: Give today
Healthy Snacks
Healthy snacks for students or two Junior WiseTriber earn t-shirts as a perk.
Parent Helpers
Stipends to support parental involvement in healthy school programming.

Five families receive 10 lbs of fresh produce or 10 families are provided a Wise Meal learning kit.
Gardening Supplies

Food production equipment for schools including seeds, soil, fertilizer, pest control, shovels, gloves, food packaging, scales, gas for trips to the green market, and marketing flyers.
Food for Families
Support for the family food cooperative at the schools or funding for five cooking demos in our Food as Medicine series aimed at youth, parents, and educators.
Skills Building

Carver Middle School classroom gets an indoor grow tower as an indoor farming learning tool.

Your investment in WiseTribe means children can get an upgrade in their education of what it takes to be healthy and resilient.
When you give to Wise Tribe, you are making project-based learning possible. Our apprenticeships, afterschool activities, and community projects generate collaborations, creative solutions, and thoughtful consideration of today’s complex issues.
Your gift has the power to make a real difference in their lives and in our community.