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Building a Better Future

WiseTribe produces collaborative learning projects and conscious leadership experiences to stimulate health, resilience, harmony and wisdom in individuals, schools, communities and organizations for grassroots change.

Our community learning process, The 4Cs -- Connect, Collaborate, Co-create and Celebrate, is a combined process of in-person workshops and small group collaborations.

It helps forward-thinking people and organizations create social innovation, economic development and other positive changes in our communities by systematically participating in learning projects of personal interest as "WiseTribes".





More than ever, it is important that we feel a sense of agency as individuals. And that we trust in our ability to envision and build a better future as a society. 

Our 4Cs community learning process provides a structure to make this possible. 

Using the 4Cs process, passionate change-makers form 'WiseTribes" to participate in grassroots projects to make an impact in a local community.  

  1. Connect: interactive, idea-generating workshops which inspire us to connect, imagine and present ideas driven by shared passions.

                Outcomes: networking, awareness of community needs, exchange of solutions-based, bold ideas for community improvement projects. 
  2. Collaborate: design-thinking workshops to build implementation plans for grassroots projects.

                Outcomes: collaboration skills, solution-focused and action-oriented project plans, increased insight and empathy for unmet needs in our communities.
  3. Co-Create: learning, growing and creating by collaborating with a Tribe of change-makers to implement grassroots projects. 

               Outcomes: teamwork, growth mindsets orientation, skill-building training, learning challenges and leadership coaching.
  4. Celebrate: an “edutainment” event showcasing the progress and outcomes of projects and the technical and human skills fostered by the 4Cs.

               Outcomes: strengthened community, sense-making, personal and collective wisdom, project outcomes, increased awareness and skills for change-making and manifesting a better future.

The 4Cs process can be provided on an individual basis to assist corporations, non-profits, schools and other organizations with strategy and innovation development efforts.

Thanks to our Partners

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  • Palm Health Foundation
  • Quantum Logo