See the 4Cs in action
Join us in the classroom. (Project Leaders & Volunteers wanted!) Inspire students as they pinpoint their wishes for a healthy, wise world.
Bring the 4Cs to work
We can help corporations, organizations, non-profits, schools and more energize and accelerate their innovation and development efforts.
Our Process For Change

We believe individuals should feel a sense of power and responsibility when it comes to impacting their communities. Our process helps youth and adults organize around the issues that matter to them.
The 4Cs process helps people establish trust in their ability to build a better future.
Community Learning in the Classroom
We help children have real-world experiences in the classroom.
They learn and exercise soft skills by participating in community projects they choose and design. Without our programs, students would not develop the valuable skills that will serve them for life.
Our 4Cs community learning process provides the structure that makes this all possible.

Discover The 4Cs
If you could change anything in your local community, what would it be?
This is a question we ask students during the first 4Cs workshop: A place where they Connect.
Such questions encourage students to connect, share passions, imagine brighter futures and generate ideas that could bring their visions to life. Project leaders, volunteers and community members connect with youth and support students as they plot grassroots change for healthy communities.
The outcomes are significant: students create social networks, exchange bold ideas for community impact projects, and gain greater awareness of their surroundings and a sense of hope for the future.
What tools and resources would you need to bring that change to life?
Our second phase is all about learning to Collaborate. We facilitate design-thinking workshops that engage the students' critical thinking skills. These exercises allow them to practice active listening, persuasion, and other soft skills, too.
By the end of this phase, students develop implementation plans that articulate milestones they wish to achieve and actions they need to take to reach them. Often the students are also eager to know whether—and when—they can work on the other unmet community needs they've identified, demonstrating growth in emotional intelligence and empathy.
How will your (grassroots) project make an impact?
The third step is all about Co-Creation. Facilitators coach students as they grow through doing and creating. As check-ins come and go, students become more confident in their ideas and more excited about the changes they see taking place because of their actions.
This is the growth mindset in action. Challenges become opportunities, individuals become tribes, skills become assets, learning becomes fun, and coaching and feedback become a tribal norm.
Why is your solution important for a healthy, wise world? How can it continue for future generations?
We call this phase the "edutainment" showcase—a moment to Celebrate. Students present the progress and outcomes of projects they've undertaken through the 4Cs process.
It becomes immediately apparent that the students have deeply invested in the outcomes of their projects. They take great pride in their hard work and present their personal and collective wisdom with ease and excitement.
After all, they know they are manifesting a better future.